Stand In

Your Truth

The life cycle of the butterfly is one of the most amazing transformations that occurs in nature. It’s fascinating to watch how a butterfly goes through 4 stages before it can be seen at full potential. This book reminds me of the life of a butterfly. For some of us to get to the point where we can Stand In Our Truth, just like a butterfly, we must go through a 4 week transformation period.

I invite you to join me as we take this journey of becoming even more beautiful than we already are by reading Stand In Our Truth.

Climbing the

Mountain of Self Love

Butterflies are a deep and powerful representation of life. Many cultures associate the butterfly with our souls. The Christian religion sees the butterfly as a symbol of resurrection. Around the world, people view the butterfly as representing endurance, change, hope, and life. As for me, I see everyone who takes this journey of Climbing The Mountain Of Self-Love as a caterpillar. For a person to evolve into a beautiful butterfly one must go through the growing stages of a caterpillar. Let’s take this 31 day journey together so that we can develop into one of the most beautiful things ever created.

I am …

Becoming the New Me

I just want to take this time to apologize for all that has taken place in our life. Some situations were good, and some were not. The memory of your past is what is guiding you today. So, I want to take this time to say ITS OKAY. Whatever happened in the past does not have control over your life anymore. Today you are going to take steps toward Becoming The New Me. We are not going to act like the past didn’t happen, but we are going to acknowledge it, learn from it and move on to Becoming The New Me. Let’s focus on the 4 W’s in our life together so we can go to NEW LEVELS IN LIFE.


WHO you are. • WHAT you want. • WHERE to apply it. • WHEN you will use it.

Author Classy Chele Books