We want you to give us a try and we believe once you’ve attended one of our events, you’ll keep coming back and bring your famly and friends along.

– Classy Chele


Divine Divas of Atlanta is designed to ignite the Divine Light in each Diva so that her radiance can brighten up the world.


Divine Divas of Atlanta is an organization that Empowers, Encourages and Elevates women to go to New Levels In Life, primarily focusing on the following: self-love, accountability, and true self-awareness that will bring out their greatness from within.


The goal of Divine Divas of Atlanta is to bring Divas together monthly to uplift and encourage each other. After each meeting, our goal is for each Diva to walk away with actionable information that will allow her to live life a little brighter than before.


Are you interested in being a Divine Diva of Atlanta? Complete the form below.